My husband and I have been fly fishing for a long time. It was one of those things that I agreed to do with him in the beginning of our relationship to seem like I was cooler than other girls. It worked, because now we are married with 3 children.
Even with one child, it is a massive pain to put down a seat and store fishing rods in the car. Not to mention, a small child is going to try and grab the rods which is a major no no, but children don’t understand things like this when they’re young.
We had tried an open rod carrier for a while, but it was awful and not secure. It was super noisy when we drove, and if we were driving long distances, both of us were irritated beyond belief and not even excited about fishing. It totally defeats the purpose.
We went back to transporting inside of our vehicle and tried to rig something up to keep it far away from our young son. It only sort of worked. Anytime we hit bumpy roads it would come apart and we were back to square one.
When the other children came along, who were only eighteen months apart, there was no hope of putting the backseat down anymore, even though we purchased a 7 seater SUV. We desperately needed a new solution if we were going to continue our fishing trips.
One evening when the kids were all in bed, my husband and I sat down together and researched different rod carriers. We found Trouts Fly Fishing website, and read about the RiverSmith River Quiver Rod Carrier. This looked like the one for us. We went ahead and ordered the 4 banger just in case any of the children wanted to try fly fishing out in the future.
Not only was it a breeze to install, but it was absolutely perfect for us. It fit our needs better than anything had in the past. There were zero worries about the kids getting their hands on them because they were on the roof, they were locked in and secure, and thank goodness, no annoying noise on any of our trips.
Aside from that, we have all the room we could need on the inside of our car to pack for ourselves and three kids, which is wonderful. We’re also all in better moods upon arrival to our destination since everything is so easy to handle now. The last thing we need is everyone being cranky and irritable.
I’m so happy that my husband and I found Trouts Fly Fishing and that we took the leap with this purchase after trying many other things. We have finally found the right solution for our family. I highly recommend this product to anyone who enjoys fly fishing.